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Church Services

Our Church Img 5 Zion Lutheran Church Bensenville

Lutheran Church Worship Services

The focus of Lutheran (Christian) worship is not on what we do, but what the Lord our God does for us as He pours out His love, mercy and grace through His gifts of Word and Sacrament. We do not come to church to first and foremost praise God, we come to receive His gifts and in response honor and praise Him.

Zion Bensenville is pleased to offer its members and visitors liturgical worship in an historic setting. For the vast majority of our Sunday services we use the traditional Divine Service(s), from the Lutheran Service Book. These are filled with beauty and reverence, as we continue to worship as the faithful have done for thousands of years. It is a rare Sunday service when The Sacrament of the Altar is not served. For more information about Zion Lutheran Church or the Lutheran faith, you can read about what we believe and Luther’s Small Catechism.

Services are held every Sunday and most Wednesdays.

On Wednesday Evening’s we pray the Office of Vespers at 7:00 PM using the readings from the previous Sunday. Holy Communion is offered the 2nd & 5th Wednesday of the month all Festival serices that fall midweek.​

During the Advent and Lenten seasons midweek services are offered on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM praying Matins and at 7:00 PM using Evening Prayer.​

For specific worship times or for more information on the many other services Zion offers during Holy Week, Easter, Ascension, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Day. Please Check out the Zion calendar or contact us for more information.