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Trivia Night

Zion-Concord PTO is sponsoring a Trivia Night

March 15th
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Where: Zion-Concord Lutheran School’s gym

For Whom: High school/college students and adults

What: It will be a fun night of trivia with a silent auction and split-the-pot. Bring your own food/beverage.

Cost: $100 for a table of 10 or $12 per person if not in a group of 10.

Prize: There will be a cash prize for the group with the highest score.

Babysitting will be provided by the 5th-8th grade students as a fundraiser for their Walcamp and Class trips. Cost is $10 per child. If there are more children in a family, each additional child is $5. A craft, games, and a movie will be provided.

Prize will go to the best St. Patrick themed table decorations.

Sign up sheets can be found on the PTO Board in the hallway of school or in the back of church.

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