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Preschool Programs

Zion-Concord Lutheran Preschool is a program that strives to educate and work with young children in a Christian setting, We utilize a play-based learning approach to help them to discover themselves and their abilities.  Various other creative approaches open doors of discovery as they grow and develop in our care.  In the end, we hope that each child experiences Christ’s love for them.​​

Our School Preschool Program Img 1

Late Start 3 Year Old Program

Late Start Three-Year-Old preschool classes are designed for children who turn three years old after September 1st

  • 3 Full Days
    8:30 am – 3:00 pm
  • 5 Half Days
    Monday through Friday
    8:30 am – 11:30 am
  • 5 Full Days
    Monday through Friday
    8:30 am – 3:00 pm

​* Class offerings are subject to change depending on enrollment

Our School Preschool Program Img 2

3 Year Old Program

Three-Year-Old preschool classes are designed for children who are three years old before September 1st.

  • 3 Full Days
    8:30 am – 3:00 pm
  • 5 Half Days
    Monday through Friday
    8:30 am – 11:30 am
  • 5 Full Days
    Monday through Friday
    8:30 am – 3:00 pm

* Class offerings are subject to change depending on enrollment

Our School Preschool Program Img 3

4 Year Old / Pre-Kindergarten

Four-Year-Old pre-Kindergarten classes are designed for children who are four years old before September 1st.

  • 3 Full Days
    8:30 am – 3:00 pm
  • 5 Half Days
    Monday through Friday
    8:30 am – 11:30 am
  • 5 Full Days
    Monday through Friday
    8:30 am – 3:00 pm

* Class offerings are subject to change depending on enrollment

Preschool Curriculum Highlights

Zion-Concord’s purpose centers on educating the whole child, cultivating spiritual, academic, emotional, physical, and social growth among all students.

Our philosophy of Lutheran education is rooted in the shared confession of Jesus Christ as taught in Holy Scripture.

Group Time

I am learning to participate in a large group situation. Group time helps me increase my attention span. I am using language when I sing, recite a poem, participate in the calendar or tell a story. Through music and movement, I learn to express myself while learning rhythm, dynamics, and increasing my listening skills. I also learn the love of Christ through songs, devotions, and Bible stories. I am developing in my ability to count, pattern, sequence, and identify numbers and letters.

Block Corner

I am counting, examining shapes, sizes, numbers, order, area, length, pattern and weight as I select, build, and put away blocks. I am creating representations of my experiences in a concrete form and communicating with my friends about my structures. I expand my knowledge and help my friends when we work together. I am using my small muscles to carry and carefully place blocks together. I negotiate for materials I want to use with my friends.

Book Corner

I am developing a love of reading. I learn about people who are like me and different from me. I develop social skills, when I share books with my friends. I am using my small muscle skills to turn pages and hold a book. I am learning the difference between real and make believe. I improve my listening, speaking, and writing skills at the book corner. I am learning to hear the sounds of letters and learning to follow the flow of print on a page.

Dramatic Play

I am learning to participate in a large group situation. Group time helps me increase my attention span. I am using language when I sing, recite a poem, participate in the calendar or tell a story. Through music and movement, I learn to express myself while learning rhythm, dynamics, and increasing my listening skills. I also learn the love of Christ through songs, devotions, and Bible stories. I am developing in my ability to count, pattern, sequence, and identify numbers and letters.

Creative Arts / Writing Centers

I am using a variety of materials to explore my feelings. I explore color, texture, and media. I use small muscle skills when I am tearing, cutting paper, coloring or writing. As I am working, I am translating my ideas and feelings into pictures and words. I am learning about the formation of letters and word recognition. I am learning about cause and effect when colors mix as well as working through trial and error. I am excited to tell others about what I have created.

Large Motor (Gym and Playground)
I am developing a sense of accomplishment when I spend time outside each day. I am learning to take turns, communicate with my friends, and develop self-esteem through the games we play. I get a chance to develop my large muscle skills by running, hopping, swinging, jumping and climbing. I get a chance to take risks and try out new skills. I get to learn many things about God’s creation when I am outside and enjoy watching changes that happen around me.
Discovery Center / Sensory Table

I am learning to work together as I explore and make discoveries. I use my small muscles to take things apart or put things together. I use my large muscle skills when I discover movement activities. I learn math concepts as I pour, dig, and measure different materials. I am able to expand my sensory awareness through textures of objects. I enjoy observing and asking questions.

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